Bankruptcy Attorney Advertising

Grow Your Bankruptcy Law Firm With Attorney Advertising Services From Digital Logic

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Online Ads for Bankruptcy Lawyers

Are you a bankruptcy lawyer or bankruptcy law firm in need of an effective marketing strategy to land you at the top of search engine results pages? Do you want to grow your bankruptcy law firm and reach more potential clients online?

Two of the fastest and most effective bankruptcy attorney advertising strategies are PPC advertising and Local Service Ads for lawyers.

When today’s potential clients need a bankruptcy lawyer, they don’t turn to the Yellow Pages. Instead, they turn to search engines like Google and Bing.

By using Google Ads, bankruptcy lawyers can put their law firm website in front of thousands of future clients without paying as much as the “big guys.”

Advertising on Google is an efficient, budget-friendly way to generate more qualified leads that convert to bankruptcy clients. You’ll need solid law firm marketing strategies that are consistent, calculated, and data-driven.

That’s how our legal marketing team approaches online advertising for bankruptcy lawyers. At Digital Logic, we prioritize two things: client satisfaction and real results.

Other law firm SEO companies tend to confuse prospects by showing fancy graphs with what they say are great metrics. Digital Logic will actually deliver more local clients.

If you’re tired of paying for law firm marketing services without seeing results, we can help you reach your target audience and increase your ROI without breaking the bank. 

Get Qualified Leads to Your Bankruptcy Law Firm Website With Digital Advertising Services From Digital Logic

Digital advertising is one important facet of digital marketing as a whole.

Bankruptcy attorney advertising refers to the paid advertising side of digital marketing, which tends to produce quicker results. Many bankruptcy law firms have found great success in legal lead generation from paid advertising services. 

While increasing your organic traffic is important for your bankruptcy law firm long term, search engine optimization techniques do take time to ramp up. Paid advertising can give bankruptcy lawyers the boost they need to reach their ideal clients, achieve brand exposure, and generate more leads.

In the following sections, we outline how a good bankruptcy lawyer advertising strategy can benefit your business in addition to bankruptcy SEO services.

What is Bankruptcy Attorney Advertising?

Bankruptcy attorneys who want quick results should explore law firm PPC advertising on Google.

Because Google is a search engine powerhouse, you’re likely to reach more prospective clients than traditional marketing techniques.

Bankruptcy lawyers have considerable control over their PPC campaigns, as PPC management services allow the firm to dictate advertising times, budgets, and even audience types.

At Digital Logic, we handle the following types of bankruptcy law firm advertisements as part of our bankruptcy attorney marketing services:

Our PPC management team handles everything from development, management, and improvement of PPC ads while maintaining transparency about your progress.

As a busy bankruptcy attorney, we understand that you don’t have time to oversee every aspect of your ad campaigns. That’s what we’re here for – delivering results while also keeping you in the loop.

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Manassas Law Group
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Search Engine Optimization vs. PPC for Bankruptcy Attorneys

When it comes to developing an internet marketing strategy for a bankruptcy attorney, the whole package would include both sides of SEM (search engine marketing): SEO campaigns and PPC campaigns.

While utilizing both SEO and PPC techniques work extremely well in the long run, prioritizing PPC, in the beginning, is a popular choice for bankruptcy lawyers- and it’s easy to see why.

So, what are the differences between SEO and PPC for bankruptcy law firms?


PPC is the way to go for bankruptcy law firms that need fast results. As soon as we launch your PPC campaign, those ads will appear in search results. Your law firm is likely to see a return on your investment within the first month. 

In contrast, SEO is a more long-term strategy. You may not see results from an SEO campaign for at least three months, if not longer.

Therefore, a bankruptcy firm that wants a quick return is better off focusing on PPC.

Many attorneys worry about losing a certain level of trust or authority through paying for online advertisements. Although this was an understandable concern in the past, paid online ads have begun to gain more trust from searchers for several reasons.

Online ads now include considerable information about law firms at a glance. This prompts searchers to click on the ad, as all their biggest questions are answered in the ad itself (if the ad copy is professionally written).

Additionally, more consumers are using search engines on mobile devices to find bankruptcy services. Because of the screen size, many mobile searchers are more likely to click on paid ads so they don’t have to scroll past them to organic listings. 

PPC advertisements actually give a great deal of control.

By working with bankruptcy marketing experts, your law firm can target paid ads with the right keywords and parameters to ensure your firm reaches your target audience.

Bankruptcy attorneys can customize many aspects of Google Ads campaigns, including the following:

  • Time of day
  • Day of the week
  • Searcher demographics
  • Age
  • Geographic location
  • External developments

Additionally, our campaign managers can turn the ads on and off almost instantaneously.

SEO, however, focuses on bankruptcy topics, long tail keywords, and local citations.

And while SEO is great for building your online authority over time, it does not offer the same level of control that PPC marketing for bankruptcy lawyers does.

Showing up on the first page of Google’s local search results, no matter which route you take, will involve some cost.

With SEO, your law firm marketing budget goes toward creating relevant content and optimizing your existing website for the long haul. And with PPC, your budget will go toward the cost of each click on your ad.

SEO costs tend to run higher in the beginning, but over time, the ROI far outweighs the cost.

While PPC costs are lower in the beginning, the ROI won’t improve as much as SEO campaigns.

If you want your bankruptcy law firm to appear at the top of Google’s search results immediately, PPC is your only option.

In terms of reach, your legal practice can specify geographic areas to target as well as exclude, just like they can with local SEO services for lawyers. While the reach of SEO largely depends on the content and how well it’s optimized. 

How Can Search Engine Advertising Campaigns Help a Bankruptcy Law Firm?

For bankruptcy attorneys wanting to grow their legal practice and get more bankruptcy clients, search engine advertising is a fast, budget-friendly way to get high-quality leads.

Significant benefits of search engine advertising include the following:

Paid search gives bankruptcy attorneys real-time results and levels the playing field for smaller law firms.

Two strategies can help you make the most of your search ad campaigns.

search metrics

Content Marketing Around Bankruptcy Law Keywords

Bankruptcy law is complicated, in general, for consumers.

Content marketing for bankruptcy attorneys takes the topics people search for and aims to rank well for long-tail keywords by providing relevant content, answering FAQs, and building trust between bankruptcy law firms and those filing bankruptcy.

Over time, your law firm website can become an authority that prospective clients will trust to answer their bankruptcy questions.

While PPC marketing can drive potential clients to your bankruptcy law firm website, superior content marketing services for lawyers will help to convert leads into bankruptcy clients.

On-Page SEO to Help With Google Ads Quality Score

The Google Ads platform has a metric called Quality Score that is crucial for growing your bankruptcy law firm through paid advertising.

When a searcher clicks on your ad, they are taken to a landing page. The goal of these pages is to give clients everything they need to convert into bankruptcy clients.

On-page SEO and technical SEO are the best ways to ensure that landing pages are optimized for converting prospects targeted by specific ad campaigns.

If a page is slow to load or too busy in design, potential clients are less likely to stay on your law firm website.

At Digital Logic, our campaign managers work closely with our SEO professionals and bankruptcy website developers to ensure that the landing page’s content and design correlates with the specific ad groups that point to said landing page.

Law Firm Marketing For Bankruptcy Lawyers

Any bankruptcy firm that wants to make it in the digital marketing space needs a solid campaign strategy. We recommend the following ad types for bankruptcy attorneys:

PPC Campaigns for Bankruptcy Attorneys

PPC campaigns are “pay-per-click” ads on Google.

As the name suggests, bankruptcy lawyers only pay each time potential clients click on your ad.

They are extremely effective at generating quality leads when the ads are optimized correctly.

If your bankruptcy law firm is looking for benefits like considerable control, fast results, higher ROI, and more reach, PPC marketing for bankruptcy attorneys may be the right choice for you.

A popular alternative to PPC marketing is running Local Service Ads for law firms on Google. When consumers search online for legal assistance, they’re very likely to encounter LSAs.

While these are similar to PPC advertisements, there are a few differences.

Pay-per-click advertising charges your bankruptcy law firm by clicks. Bankruptcy lawyers pay an agreed-upon price each time a searcher clicks on the ad.

Local Service Ads, however, charge the firm for leads. Even if a searcher clicks on the Local Service Ad, your bankruptcy firm won’t be charged unless the searcher contacts your firm through the ad.

LSAs and PPC ads also look different. LSAs tend to include more information about the bankruptcy attorneys, as they include a picture of the attorney, contact information, years of experience, Google reviews, business hours, and a link to the attorney’s Google My Business listing.

LSAs are affordable, targeted, and extremely visible. When your bankruptcy law firm works with an experienced digital marketing agency, your firm can target LSAs to the firm’s target audience, saving money by avoiding unqualified bankruptcy leads.

Additionally, LSA ads appear at the very top of Google’s local search results, currently above all other online advertisements. 


How Digital Logic Does Bankruptcy Attorney Marketing

At Digital Logic, our approach to bankruptcy lawyer marketing is multifaceted.

We offer many beneficial services aside from paid advertising, including link building, Google My Business account management, local directories management, local SEO, video content services, content marketing, and much more.

While these services can help prop up your ad campaigns, they are not necessary for a successful strategy.

To ensure your paid advertising campaigns are as effective as possible, our PPC and LSA experts take the following steps.

Analyze Past PPC Campaigns

As with any marketing strategy, your first campaign will involve some experimentation. Our PPC specialists review our other bankruptcy attorney marketing campaigns and campaigns of any past clients (while there aren’t many) to minimize this.

After careful examination, we make minor adjustments to each successive campaign to ensure your firm’s ROI increases as much as possible.

Create Bankruptcy Ads Based on Intent

The language of your ad campaigns should speak to the searcher’s intent.

Those searching for bankruptcy services are likely in financial distress and considering filing bankruptcy. If their intent is to gather information, they may search for something like “how to file bankruptcy in Kentucky.”

By working with a top PPC agency, your ad copy will be optimized to match the intent of prospects who see the ad. The more relevant and helpful your paid ad campaigns are, the more likely those ads are to convert clients.

Use Ad Extensions to Reach More Potential Clients

Bankruptcy law firms can boost the appeal of their ads to potential new clients through ad extensions.

PPC ads already include information about the bankruptcy lawyer or firm, but ad extensions provide even more information next to the existing ad.

Examples of relevant information include website links, social media links, and even the firm’s address.

Through careful trial and error, our team ensures that the ads are helpful, informational, and engaging enough to draw in more potential clients.

Optimize Landing Pages For a Better Post-Click Landing Page Experience

The landing page is crucial for any PPC campaign. This page may be the last thing potential bankruptcy clients see before they decide to contact a firm.

When a prospect clicks on an ad, they will be taken to a landing page that should be created specifically for that ad.

It’s important to impress searchers with a good landing page experience through fast loading times, attractive design, and informative content.

At Digital Logic, we have in-house web developers who are experts at making this happen.

Secure More Clients By Remarketing to Those Who Have Visited Your Bankruptcy Website

Remarketing involves re-engaging with searchers who have already interacted with your firm’s ads or website.

Remarketing ads aim to remind prospective clients of your firm’s brand and encourage them to convert into bankruptcy clients.

The customer journey is often a long one, so it’s important to keep your brand in front of them. If the searcher remembers your firm’s ads, they may decide to hire a bankruptcy lawyer from your firm over others they don’t recognize.

Work With an Award-Winning Bankruptcy Attorney Marketing Agency

Digital Logic is a full-service Internet marketing agency that focuses on data-driven results and client satisfaction above all else.

If your bankruptcy law firm needs to increase the leads you get from your bankruptcy law firm website, our marketing experts will develop an effective marketing strategy that puts your bankruptcy law firm in front of thousands of local prospective clients. 

Not only does our team excel in online marketing for bankruptcy, but we also excel in SEO, bankruptcy lawyer web design lawyer social media management, and so much more.

To learn more about how we maintain a client retention rate of 97.3%, check out our case studies and claim your free SEO audit.

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