Law Firm PPC Services

professional marketing services
PPC for Attorneys

What is Attorney PPC?

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an important part of a legal firm’s marketing strategy. Besides taking a referral from a friend or family member, most clients tend to search for a lawyer online.

So how do you make sure your firm is the first thing they see?


You trust the law firm PPC experts at Digital Logic.

We can’t express just how critical it is for attorneys to partner with a reputable legal PPC agency to take full advantage of the benefits accessible through digital advertising, especially if they’re targeting specialty regions with high ROI.

Here are the essentials for PPC for attorneys.

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of people say paid search ads make it easier to find the information they are searching for on a website or search engine.

PPC for Attorneys

PPC is, in many respects, a digital equivalent of traditional display advertising. Whether it’s a billboard, a bus stop, or a banner ad, you’re paying someone to put your face on their platform.

Similar to how a billboard on a highway will cost more than one on a country road, an ad on a competitive domain or high-volume search keyword will cost you more as well.

The difference is—aside from the setting, of course—that PPC advertising is all about tracking the stream of leads that eventually convert to clients. Meanwhile, with traditional display advertising, thousands of individuals may view your ad but never take the next step by contacting your firm.

As a result, you’ll be saddled with a high cost and little to show for your time, money, and effort.

PPC for lawyers allows you to customize your ad placement and only pay when someone clicks on your ad. For example, you may pay to have your website appear at the top of a Google search for “Cincinnati workers’ comp attorney.”

As a result, you’ll be charged every time someone completes that search query and subsequently visits your website.

ppc management agency

SEO vs. PPC for Law Firms

The primary distinction between PPC and SEO is PPC’s paid component.

Both are used to reach your target audience by utilizing relevant keywords, but a PPC campaign requires you to pay to appear in front of your target audience, whereas SEO is organic. Thus, the number of hits on your website is proportional to the cost of generating the content.

Think of it this way: SEO for attorneys is a marathon, while PPC services for attorneys is more like a sprint. Search engine optimization is a long-term plan that can be built on over time to create a competitive advantage. This is great for creating a solid, steady stream of traffic and building your firm’s reputability.

seo vs sem

Quick Results with PPC Ads for Lawyers

However, there are times when you need to achieve internet presence rapidly and generate immediate traffic flow to your website. That’s where a strategic PPC campaign comes in.

Say there’s been a major pharmaceutical drug recall, and your firm just so happens to have a practice area in class action lawsuits. Obtaining high organic search results through SEO services may take months, and by then, the competition is already ahead of you. Especially if your law firm uses minimal or super-affordable SEO services.

Utilizing a successful PPC campaign, on the other hand, can help you achieve results on the spot and get a leg up on the competition, so to speak.

Whether you’re looking for local personal injury cases or nationwide mass tort lawsuits, PPC advertising conducted by a team of experienced professionals is an excellent option for law firm lead generation

Manassas Law
0 +
unique leads a month
pay per click services

Law Firm PPC Tips

PPC for Law Firms

Guide to Google Adwords / Google Ads

At Digital Logic, we provide your firm with a qualified team of internet marketing experts that are Google AdWords and Google Ads Advanced Search certified. This ensures we can develop and execute a PPC campaign that fulfills your goals and objectives in a timely, cost-effective, and successful manner. We are also careful to follow all attorney advertising rules. Marketing for legal services has never been easier!

Why Google Ads for Law Firms?

Google Adwords, now more simply known as Google Ads, is a paid advertising platform that falls under the PPC marketing channel. It is a highly effective way to drive qualified traffic and prospective clients to your firm while they’re using search engines to find legal services like the ones you offer.

With Google Ads, you can boost your website traffic, receive more phone calls, and increase your leads and case intake.

Google Ads allows you to develop and share well-timed ads with your target audience on both desktop and mobile devices. This means your company will appear on the search engine results page (SERP) when your target consumers use Google Search or Google Maps to hunt for services similar to yours.

Simply put, your target audience will see your ad when it makes sense for them to see it.

Digital Logic offers both PPC management for lawyers and Local Service Ads for Lawyers.

Real Client Results

Law Firm PPC

In 24 months, we boosted ROI to 559.72% for our highest-performing law firm marketing client. 

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Ready to boost ROI with insanely good PPC services?

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Shoot us your email and our team will save the day

Law firm advertising

How To Advertise a Law Firm with PPC

Here at Digital Logic, our strategies consist of exhaustive keyword research and thorough demographic and competitor analysis.

Keyword Research

In paid search advertising, meticulous keyword selection is crucial. We’re not after broad, generalized keywords. Instead, we aim for terms that are specific to the clients you are seeking and the exact type of cases you are looking for. To do so, we apply innovative software and cutting-edge techniques to conduct only the most in-depth keyword research.

Data Analyzation

In addition to precisely tailoring your search terms, we also analyze the demographics of your target audience to base our approach on. For example, we can personalize your campaign depending on age, geography, gender, interests, and more. Additionally, we’ll continuously track the performance of your top competitors to ensure you remain ahead of the competition.

Grow Your Business

Lawyer PPC Agency

As a successful PPC agency for attorneys, we recognize that a good strategy is an adaptable strategy. We are able to see firsthand the constant fluctuation of SERPs and what it takes to obtain a top spot on them.

As a result, we are constantly finding more innovative and productive ways to integrate PPC into your web marketing plan.

Here’s how it works:

We’ll begin working on your PPC services by sorting out details (whether or not you need a professional website design), goals, and PPC budget through a phone call.

Then, we’ll begin analyzing your competition and creating a thorough PPC management strategy. The difference between us and other PPC management companies is that we don’t run our law firm’s PPC campaigns on autopilot. We know that a successful PPC campaign necessitates ongoing testing and data analysis to achieve the best possible results.

Every week, and often even on a daily basis, we’ll make campaign modifications based on our continuous research and observation while providing you with updates on the work we’re doing and what we’ll be doing next.

0 %
of people say paid search ads make it easier to find the information they are searching for on a website or search engine.

Attorney PPC Management

When done correctly, PPC ads target the people who are most in need of your services, offering them with a clear, focused, and direct call to action. However, when done incorrectly, they can be unproductive, wasteful, and infuriating—especially when you’re spending $50 or more per click. That is why it is so important that you put your PPC management in the hands of a law firm marketing team that’s proven to get real results, and FAST.

At Digital Logic, our online advertising team develops strategies around our knowledge of law firm PPC services and your specific goals. We believe that giving our attorneys immediate access to our team members streamlines the process and allows them to obtain rapid, direct responses, resulting in better law firm PPC campaigns and higher lawyer salaries.

We also help attorneys move from FindLaw by providing FindLaw marketing and website alternatives

Why Do You Need Our PPC Management Services?

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Shoot us your email and our team will save the day